Gentoo Sshd

There's an app on my Android called Home Remote Control Pro. It's basically a remote-control for your phone to Windows/Mac via a custom java-server and via Linux via ssh. I initially tried the free version and eventually paid for the full version (no ads and unlimited device connections) and things were working great. Then one day it all stopped working. I could no longer connect to my Gentoo desktop and received a simple 'Auth Fail' message in the app. The app still connects fine to my Windows 10 partition and connects fine to my Ubuntu laptop (via the custom java-server and a ssh server, respectively). I've had several back and forth emails with the dev, who can't seem to reproduce the issue and when my Ubuntu laptop was able to connect it made me realize that it's a problem with my Gentoo box somewhere.
Some background info:

  1. Gentoo Sshd
  2. Gentoo Ssh Install
uname -a:
Linux compy_gentoo 4.0.5-gentoo #2 SMP Sat Jul 18 11:32:20 EDT 2015 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

Gentoo mourns the sudden loss of Kent Fredric, also known to us by his IRC handle kentn. He passed away following a tragic accident a few days ago. Kent was an active member of the Gentoo community for many years. He tirelessly managed Gentoo’s Perl support, and was active in the Rust project as well as in many other corners. Gentoo's Bugzilla – Bug 222777 sshd seems to be ignoring /etc/hosts.deny in ipv6 scenarios Last modified: 2008-06-01 14:05:17 UTC node gannet.

emerge openssh -pv:
[ebuild R ] net-misc/openssh-6.9_p1-r2::gentoo USE='X hpn ldap ldns pam pie sctp skey ssl -X509 -bindist -debug -kerberos -libedit (-selinux) -ssh1 -static' 1,498 KiB
Gentoo SshdGentoo sshd log

Gentoo Sshd

Also, the following appears in my auth.log when I try to connect:
error: Received disconnect from 3: com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: Auth fail [preauth]

Gentoo Ssh Install

That IP is my internal IP (statically set by the router) for my phone. My computer is statically set to *.*.*.10. I do not use a public key - this is a password login. Interestingly, I have an SSH app that connects to this same computer just fine, so there's something about the way this app is connecting that isn't agreeing with my current setup. Unfortunately, the error that's thrown appears to be fairly generic and I'm not sure how to troubleshoot farther. Any thoughts?