Praat Acoustic Analysis

  1. Each analysis window will then be 3/50 = 0.06 seconds long. Since the clip is 3 seconds long, there will be 0.06.3 = 50 analysis windows. Praat then computes 4.50 = 200 pitch values.
  2. Praat scripts (for acoustic analysis) Praat scripting is a way to automate measurements in Praat that are otherwise done manually. Everything that a Praat script can do can also be done manually.

Praat scripts for streamlining manual measurements in acoustic analysis This collection of scripts is designed to maximize the efficiency of hand-measurement in Praat. Many Praat scripts are designed to operate automatically, by taking measurements from all files in a folder, using the same settings for all files, and never showing the user.

In this section you will learn how to measure Voice Onset Time (VOT) of voiced and voiceless consonants in English. Although we are using English as an example, the steps learned here can be applied to other languages as well.

In order to complete this video module, you should download the following files to your computer. Note: it is probably best to save them to your desktop

Praat Acoustic Analysis Tool



Amanda Schultz from the University of Michigan, demonstrates how to measure VOT (Voice Onset Time) using PRAAT of voiced and voiceless stop consonants /b/ and /p/ in English.

4.1. Key Definitions and Concepts relating to VOT:

Praat acoustic analysis scale

4.2 VOT explained:

Praat Acoustic Analysis Test

4.3 Steps for measuring VOT

Praat Acoustic Analysis Software

STEP 1: In order to measure VOT, you must first zoom in on the consonant you are examining and try to determine the exact point where the burst occurs. The following screenshot below shows the point at with the burst is present for [p] in English. Once you have correctly identified the beginning of the burst, click on the waveform and designate a boundary below. Once you have established a boundary, a blue vertical line should appear in the textgrid tier (No. #2) below.

Praat Acoustic Analysis System

Step 2: Now we want to identify the beginning point of periodicity or voicing. Select the end portion of the /p/ and zoom in. The point in the waveform where the wave becomes more periodic, denotes the point in which voicing begins. Once you have identified this point, click in the waveform. A red line should appear in the testgrid below. Once you see the red line, click in the small circle to make a boundary marker.

Step 3: Now zoom out a bit and you will see the two boundary markers you indicated in Steps 1 and 2 above. The time between the burst and the start of periodicity (or voicing) is the period of voice onset timing. In the example below, VOT of /p/ in the word ‘Pat’ is .088 seconds or 88 milliseconds.

Praat Acoustic Analysis Software

Praat acoustic analysis software

Praat Acoustic Analysis Pdf

Now that you know how to measure VOT of consonants, open the sound file plosive1.wav and plosive1.textgrid. Read both files into PRAAT. Select both of the files simultaneously in the Objects window, then click: VIEW & EDIT. Measure VOT for the other words in the sound file and jot down your measurements on the handout or copy the chart below. To see the approximate VOT values, click here for the answers: VOT values