Migrate Deezer To Spotify

  1. Migrate Deezer To Spotify Playlist
  2. Migrate Deezer To Spotify Download
  3. Transfer Deezer To Spotify

Soundiiz is a convenient and powerful music synchronization tool. It supports syncing.

  • Start by selecting Deezer as a source music platform and then, select the next destination — Spotify streaming service. Once you pick your playlists and albums for the migration process, FYM will transfer them in a few minutes or less.
  • Deezer Vs Spotify Comparison. The upcoming important parameter to consider is the range of tunes to music streaming services. Deezer versus Spotify audio library, which wins? Let’s create a whole Deezer and Spotify comparison of audio library. Spotify prides itself with more than 30 million monitors in its library.

How to move all your music data from Spotify to Deezer at once?

Here are some steps to help you transfer your playlists and favorites from Spotify to Deezer in one go

PremiumPlaylistsAlbumsArtistsTracksPlatform to platform
  1. Open the Web App Open
  2. Click on Platform to Platform () in left panel of the interface
  3. Select Spotify as the source service (and connect this platform)
  4. Choose the categories of elements you want to transfer by checking the corresponding box in left
  5. Select Deezer as the destination service (and connect this platform)
  6. The transfer process runs in the background. You can see the batch progression in real-time in your Batches list See your batches

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This is a simple tutorial on how to convert your deezer playlists to spotify. We will use our wonderfull free application playlist converter.

1. Go to http://www.playlist-converter.net

Playlist converter is a free web application to convert playlist. It manages deezer and spotify too.


It is a web application so you need to be connected to internet and visit the site with a laptop or desktop computer.


2. Click on deezer tab icon.

You have many tab on the application (spotify, youtube, etc..). Choose deezer.

Migrate Deezer To Spotify Playlist

2. Click on 'Connect to your Deezer Account and Grab Your Existing Playlists'.

This is a big blue button inside the deezer tab.

Click on it. You will be redirected to deezer to authenticate our app. You now give the permission of our applicatin to get your playlist content directly inside your account.

When you are back from deezer a dropdown appear with a list of your deezer playlists.

3. Select the playlist you want to convert in the dropdown.


Now let the magic happened ! Playlist converter will grab all your track and find the same one on spotify....


4. Click on 'Export to spotify - URIs list / text'

Click on the buuton ' Export to spotify - URIs list / text' and a list of uris / track ids will appear.

5. Copy the track list.

Use command + c on mac or control + c on windows to copy the tracks.

6. Create a new playlist on spotify.

Go to the spotify applicaiton and create a new playlist. Choose the name you want.

7. Paste the tracks to the new playlist.

Click on the new playlist. Then use command + v or control + v.

Thats all ! The tracks will magically appear on the track list ! Enjoy your music on another plateform ;).

Migrate Deezer To Spotify

Migrate Deezer To Spotify Download

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Transfer Deezer To Spotify

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